
Panchakshri Shivacharya Trust's


Kava Road, Basweshwar Chowk, Latur-413512 (Maharashtra) Tel./Fax :- (02382) 243855
DTE Code :- 2025, MSBTE Code :- 0052, PCI INST. ID:- 1524

Govt. Aided Institution Approved by : Govt. of Maharashtra, MSBTE Mumbai, AICTE, PCI New Delhi.


Dr. Sanjay S. Thonte

Channabasweshwar Polytechnic D. Pharmacy College

Channabasweshwar Polytechnic, D. Pharmacy Institute is established in June 1980, for giving quality education in Pharmacy and to fulfill the need of this region. It is one of the reputed Govt. aided Diploma Pharmacy Institution in the State of Maharashtra. The Institution is run by Panchakshari Shivacharya Trust, Aloor a charitable trust registered under Bombay Public Trust Act 1950, undertakes Educational and Social activities since 1973. Course is approved by Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi, AICTE New Delhi, Directorate of Technical Education, Mumbai and affiliated to Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education Mumbai.

Institute has highly qualified, committed and motivated faculty, well equipped laboratories with spacious infrastructure. Institute is continued to strive for good result; good academic track, organizing number of student and faculty centered activities and providing employments for passed out students. We continuously organize refresher courses, seminars, faculty development programs, workshops, short term courses for teachers, supporting staff and students. Institute running many centrally funded schemes like CDTP, MODROB, RPS, EDC and PMKVY. Through the some above mentioned scheme we providing meaningful and quality non-formal training to rural youth, women, school dropouts, SCs/STs, disabled, other weaker sections and under-privileged groups of the society to enable them to obtain gainful wage/self-employment and in turn improving their standard of living. At the outset of above all the Initiatives institution is succeeded in getting ISO: 9001 Certification and always receiving “Excellent” Grade in External Institution monitoring of MSBTE Mumbai.

As a premier teaching institute, we endeavor to harness inherent potential through meeting the growing needs of higher technical education with consistency of excellence in as a humble instrument for greater goods. As we grow we will expand in to a new technological methodologies, disciplines, resources and even attitudes. Every year the stupendous performance by our student is a testimony of the untiring efforts of principal, faculty, students and management members. These achievements are constantly reminding us of onerous responsibility shouldered on us by the parents and students.

Hope this website will act as a platform for all the relevant information about the institute and profession to students, faculty members and all the stake holders of the institute.

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