Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai.
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE) is an autonomous Board of Government of Maharashtra mandated to regulate matters pertaining to Diploma Level Technical education in the state. Curriculum development- it’s efficient implementation strategies through faculty development programs, student development initiatives, industry-institution interaction, Academic monitoring and various online evaluation activities have been the significant insignia of MSBTE. In the recent past, MSBTE has made its foray into skill development activities, thus broadening its horizon and area of service. However, the revision of curricula to suit the essentialities of industry as expected from diploma students had become a dire need and of late a very important parameter for employability which has been accomplished and implemented from the academic year 2017-18. Having been closely associated with the system and from the suggestions and feedback of the stake holders, it shall be my endeavor to revamp the various processes and adopt better technological implementation & evaluation techniques for the benefit of stake holder students. It’s my sincere appeal to all the stakeholders to put their best foot forward and strengthen the bond of working in team with elated spirits in the best interest of the student community and the society at large.
Shri Pramod A. Naik
MSBTE, Mumbai.