
Panchakshri Shivacharya Trust's


Kava Road, Basweshwar Chowk, Latur-413512 (Maharashtra) Tel./Fax :- (02382) 243855
DTE Code :- 2025, MSBTE Code :- 0052, PCI INST. ID:- 1524

Govt. Aided Institution Approved by : Govt. of Maharashtra, MSBTE Mumbai, AICTE, PCI New Delhi.


To ensure proper implementation of the Scheme of Community Development through Polytechnics, monitoring is done at four different levels as mentioned below…

1 Institute Level : Executive Committee
2. District Level : District Skill Committee
3. State Level : State Level Review Committee
4. Central Government Level (Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India).

Institute Level : Executive Committee

Executive Committee of the project is responsible to ensure that the work is progress as per the approved Annual Operational Plan. Committee analyze any deviation and take corrective action. The monitoring function of the committee would broadly be as under:
i. To assess periodically the progress of the project for mid-course corrections, if needed.
ii. To Identify areas where the progress is below the target set, and take suitable corrective measures.
iii. To discuss problems in implementation and find appropriate solutions to overcome them.
iv. To prepare periodical progress reports for submissions.
v. Two meetings of Executive Committees are held every year.

Composition of Executive Committee

1 Regional Director, RDSDE of concerned State….. Chairman
2 Principal/Director of the project implementing institution…… Member
3 Two Representatives of the Faculty (Head of Departments/Faculty Member… Member
4 Two Representatives of the Village Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad for the Extension Centers/ NGOs/ Retired Professional……. Member
5 One Principal/Director/Project Coordinator from another nearby project implementing institution……... Member
6 Project Coordinator of the project implementing institution……... Member Secretary

District Level

The operation of activities carried out at project implementing institution level and Training Centers is under the overall guidance of the District Skill Committee entrusted with the following objectives:
• To function as need identifier which shall include both technological and training needs, required at the operational level.
• To fix targets in respect of transferable and affordable technologies, training imparted including training of trainers and technology awareness.
• To assess periodically the progress of activities/targets identified and suggest re- orientation or mid-course corrections wherever needed.
• To involve village Panchayats, NGOs, retired professionals, social workers as well as other users and participating agencies at operational levels.
• To bring out to the notice of higher authorities, the problems which are not being solved and seek remedial measures.

Composition of District Skill Committee:

1 District Collector/Deputy Commissioner/ Chief Executive Officer, DRDA/ SDM….. Chairman
2 Regional Director, RDSDE…. Member
3 A representative of State DTE… Member
4 A representative of the Rural Development Department and NGO… Member
5 A professional/reputed person actively involved in Community Development work… Member
6 A representative of Social Organizations of Women/Social Welfare Department…. Member
7 One Principal of ITI/Vocational Schools/Polytechnic/NSTI…. Member
8 Representatives from Panchayats/Sarpanches from Training Centres (2 Nos.)…. Member
9 A representative of KVIC/KVK, Local Industry, Village Panchayat, NABARD/Lead Bank, etc. (As per requirement)….. Member
10 Principal/Director of project implementing institution…. Member Secretary

State Government Level

State Level Review Committee shall be responsible for effective implementation and monitoring of the scheme at the State level by:
i. Reviewing the Physical and Financial Progress of the project implementing institutions of the State concerned vis-a-vis their Operational Plan.
ii. Analyzing strengths and weaknesses of the systems as a whole, particularly in areas where the intervention and the support of the Government are necessary.
iii. Providing need-based administrative support for overcoming deficiencies with regard to the implementation of the scheme.

Composition of the State-Level Review Committee

1 State Director of Technical Education or Nodal Officer… Chairman
2 Regional Director/Nodal Officer, RDSDE… Member
3 A representative from State Skill Mission.... Member
4 Director Rural Development/Panchayati Raj or nominee… Member
5 A representative of NGOs/Voluntary Organization engaged in rural development/ KVIC/KVKs/Lead Banks (As per requirement)…. Member
6 All Principals/Directors of institutions implementing the Scheme CDTP…… Member

Central Government Level

The overall successful implementation of the Scheme of Community Development through Polytechnics is responsibility of MSDE, GoI. For this purpose, Ministry shall take every possible step to achieve the desired goals. Ministry’s view in the matter shall be considered as final.

1 Director General, DGT, MSDE, GOI Chairman
2 Deputy Director General, DGT, MSDE, GOI Member
3 Deputy Secretary dealing with the Scheme, DGT, MSDE, GOI. Member
4 All Regional Directors, RDSDEs Member
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