
Panchakshri Shivacharya Trust's


Kava Road, Basweshwar Chowk, Latur-413512 (Maharashtra) Tel./Fax :- (02382) 243855
DTE Code :- 2025, MSBTE Code :- 0052, PCI INST. ID:- 1524

Govt. Aided Institution Approved by : Govt. of Maharashtra, MSBTE Mumbai, AICTE, PCI New Delhi.

Introduction to IQAC

Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) refers to the systemic processes and practice implemented within and organisation to ensure the quality,consistency,and effectiveness of its product, services, or processes. It is an essential part of quality management to maintain and improve standards

Sr. No. Name of The Faculty Member Designation
01 Dr, Thonte S. S. Officiating Principal cum Chairperson
02 Mr. Rajurkar R. M. Coordinator
03 Mr. Bhosale P. H. Member (Stakeholder)
04 Mr. Sugave R. V. Member (Alumni)
05 Mr. Sugave B. K. Member (Industrialist)
06 Mr. Kaudewar D. R. Member
07 Mrs. Kardile G. B. Member
08 -- Member student (M)
09 -- Member student (F)

Objective and function

To create a high-quality system for deliberate, dependable, and catalytic planned action aimed at enhancing the institution's administrative and academic performance. To encourage institutional functioning strategies that aim to improve quality by internalising a culture of quality and institutionalize or implement the best practice.

Message from IQAC

Channabasweshwar polytechnic D. Pharmacy, is one of the best esteemed organizations to impart Pharmacy education through modern state-of-the-art teaching resources under Permeant Affiliation with PCI, Director of technical education Mumbai, and Maharashtra state board of technical education. Maharashtra. Our Institute Channabasweshwar polytechnic Diploma Pharmacy College, latur has established the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) on June ……………... It focuses on the institution’s overall quality culture through quality initiatives, maintenance, and improvements. The IQAC is a step towards to make an excellence educational Institute. IQAC is an integral part of the institute in achieving the vision and mission pertaining to the essential enhancement of educational quality for all the admitted students. The IQAC assures the stakeholders, i.e., students, parents, teachers, staff, Management, funding agencies, and society in general, of the accountability and transparency in the quality management system of the institution and its concern for ensuring the quality of education being imparted.

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